bawo bao
Bawo and Ntchuwa DOS program

This program was written in 1995 by Peter M. Nyasulu. As it was written in DOS it needs a DOS emulator be to run on modern PCs (Windows or Linux) or MACs. But there is an easy workaround for this problem:

1. Download DOSBox from
2. Install it.
3. Download
(it's easiest if you save and extract it to C: or D:, not in some subfolder, see below)

1. Run DOSBox
2. Type:
mount c d:\ [hit Enter, d:\ is the folder you saved the bawo.exe in]
c: [hit Enter]
bawo [hit Enter]

Then the game will start. To speed up the game speed hit Ctrl+F12 a few times (Ctrl+F11 to slow it down).

I recommend to turn the sound off, it's very DOS.

The program also came with a help-file: bawo.hlp